The Dollar Universe Manager for JD Edwards (uxstrjdexml), when installed in a JDE 64bit system, fails to find runubexml binary as it looks for it in the folder bin32 instead of bin64.
As a result, all JDE Uprocs will abort with the below kind of errors in Uproc Job Log:
cmd = /JDEdwards/E812/DDP/system/bin32/runubexml G CREATE_XML /automic/training/TRNG64_SAPFormation/temp/JDE_R014021_XJDE0001_0860700_X_input.xml
Exit code of uxstrjdexml is 4
Error with the job R014021/XJDE0001
Exit code of uxstrjdexml is 4
The correct runubexml path is /JDEdwards/E812/DDP/system/bin64/runubexml
Release : 6.x
Sub-Component: Manager.for.JD.Edwards
Wrong (bin32 instead of bin64) folder being used to find runubexml.
Create a symbolic link called bin32 that points to bin64 folder where runubexml exists
Update to a fix version listed below or a newer version if available.
Fix version(s):
Component: Application.Server
Sub-Component: Manager.for.JD.Edwards
Dollar Universe 6.10.71 - Scheduled May 2021