Client is using two users, one Linux local user (duplicated in AD) and other Windows user only.
One shows login ALLOWED and other as login DENEID
Linux Secure log after attempt login user userx via SSH :
[root@centos bin]# tail -f /var/log/secure
Mar 3 11:59:07 centos sshd[76288]: pam_unix(etrust-ac:auth): authentication failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh ruser= rhost= user=userx
Mar 3 11:59:09 centos sshd[76288]: PAM 1 more authentication failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh ruser= rhost= user=userx
Mar 3 13:23:50 centos sshd[79227]: pam_unix(sshd:auth): authentication failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh ruser= rhost= user=userx
Mar 3 13:23:50 centos sshd[79227]: UNAB displayed message: Login is denied by login policy.
Below has uxconsole command output of the two users.
[root@<servername>]# ./uxconsole -manage -user admin -show -detail
CA Privileged Access Manager Server Control UNAB uxconsole v14.10.0.1494 - console utility
Copyright (c) 2018 CA. All rights reserved.
USER 'admin' information
Type : Local User
Login Name : admin
Mapped to : [email protected]
Enterprise Account : Enabled
Local Account : Enabled
Login : Allowed
Login Reason : User exists locally
Uid : xxxx
Gid : xxxx(admin)
Shell : /bin/bash
Home Directory : /home/admin
Gecos : admin
Unix Groups : xx(wheel), xxxx(admin)
[root@<servername>]# ./uxconsole -manage -user userx -show -detail
CA Privileged Access Manager Server Control UNAB uxconsole v14.10.0.1494 - console utility
Copyright (c) 2018 CA. All rights reserved.
USER 'userx' information
Type : Enterprise User
Login Name : userx
Principal Name : [email protected]
Enterprise Account : Enabled
Login : Denied
Login Reason : According to internal default
Uid : xxxxx
Gid : xxxxx(unix)
Shell : /bin/sh
Home Directory : /home/userx
Unix Groups : xxxxx(unix)
All Groups : [email protected]
** The user userx and the group unix no exists on linux endpoint.
Release : 14.1
UNAB can authenticate the AD user but authorization is required to actually log into that specific Unix machine. The default policy is to deny all users access unless they also exist locally.
In the uxauth.ini see the following setting
; Defines the host activation level
; Options are:
; 0 - Not registered
; 1 - Registered (login permitted for user defined in local user store)
; 2 - Activated (login is permitted for users defined in local user store
; or defined either .allow file or in the <unab> login policy)
; Default value: 0
activation = 2
Essentially the client needs to create login policies in OnePAM to allow AD users with unix attributes to login to any unix machine running UNAB.