The Scheduler Heartbeat job was possibly cancelled and deleted from the Scheduled job list. Looking in CMN_SCH_JOBS, it's not scheduled.
The Scheduler Heartbeat job was visible in the Scheduled Jobs screen in the UI in older Clarity versions. So most likely it was deleted back in the time it was visible.
In recent versions of Clarity this job is not visible in UI. In Clarity 15.7.1, for example, it is hidden, however it is active and scheduled. So it's not longer easily possible to delete it by mistake.
Check whether the Scheduler Heart Beat job is scheduled in CMN_SCH_JOBS table if you run the query:
select * from cmn_sch_jobs
where job_definition_id in
(select id from cmn_sch_job_definitions where job_code ='job_check_heart_beat')
See the status, if it's not set to SCHEDULED or no results are returned, then this is an issue. If it's Scheduled, then it's all good.
To reschedule the job, please run the query:
update cmn_sch_job_definitions
set is_admin_visible = 1
where job_code ='job_check_heart_beat' ;
commit ;
Now go to Home - Reports and Jobs and schedule the job JS Heartbeat accordingly as cron tab * * * * * (every minute)
Once done, revert the changes by running:
update cmn_sch_job_definitions
set is_admin_visible = 0
where job_code ='job_check_heart_beat' ;
commit ;