How to modify the SHARE option within Report Facility for an Object or Form
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How to modify the SHARE option within Report Facility for an Object or Form


Article ID: 20987


Updated On:


Report Facility Report Facility for TSO


How the SHARE OPTION of a Query or Form be changed under the Report Facility.


The SHARE OPTION for a Query or Form can be changed by selecting the related Query or Form from the Report Facility Main Menu.
Select Option=S (select) for the QUERY or FORM you would like to change on the QUERY / FORM LIBRARY Panel under the Column QUERY NAME or FORM NAME.
On the BUILD Panel that is displayed execute command PROFILE which brings up the QUERY/FROM PROFILE Menu where you can change the SHARE option to:

"Y" - Others can use - but not update - your QUERY
"N" - Your QUERY cannot be referenced or copied by others
"U" - Others can use - and update - your QUERY