After changing the variable NX_JAVA_OPTIONS in the NX.ENV file using a text editor like Notepad to increase the Tomcat memory and then recycling Tomcat,
any Service Desk Manager (SDM) command such as "pdm_status" or "pdm_tomcat_nxd -c status" causes the following message to appear:
Even a Service Desk Manager service recycle fails to resolve this situation.
Manually editing the NX.ENV file caused non-printable characters to be added to the file and caused it to be unreadable.
Note that manually editing the NX.ENV file is not the recommended method of making changes to the file.
This article explains how to restore the environment to the original state, and do the required change to TOMCAT configuration.
Release: 12.x / 14.x
Component: USRD
This setting should be added to NX.env_nt.TPL file so the next time pdm_configure is run, this change is not lost.
The following command can be used to do this:
pdm_options_mgr -c -s JAVA_OPTIONS -v " -Xms64M -Xmx1024M" -a pdm_option.inst -t