What local Protection Engine settings are available in the centralized console?
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What local Protection Engine settings are available in the centralized console?


Article ID: 209830


Updated On:


Protection Engine for NAS Protection Engine for Cloud Services


You would like to know what local Symantec Protection Engine (SPE) settings can be set from the Centralized Console.


SPE 8.0+


See the following techdoc for the versions of SPE that are required for specific settings to work:


See the following table for a mapping of settings from the SPE console to the centralized console:

Local Cloud
Config -> Resources -> Temp directory for scanning N/A
Config -> Resources -> MaxThreads N/A
Config -> Resources -> Threshold number of queued requests N/A
Config -> Resources -> Maximum Load Alert N/A
Config -> Resources -> Max In-Memory File System System -> Maximum In-memory File System Size (MBs)
Config -> Resources -> Max In-Memory File Size N/A
Policies -> Scanning -> Enable virus scanning (Always Enabled)
Policies -> Scanning -> Bloodhound detection Level Anti-Malware -> File Scan Action (Only Scan and Scan-Repair-Delete are available)
Policies -> Scanning -> Files to scan exclusions Allow -> Enable Exclusion Policy
Policies -> Insight -> Insight Policies Anti-Malware -> File Insight, Detection Level and File Scan Action settings (Log only not available)
Policies -> Insight -> Avoid scanning for files larger than: Allow -> Size threshold based exclusion (bytes)(this excludes from all scanning, not just insight)
Policies -> Insight -> SHA256 Exclude List Allow -> File Hash (SHA256) based exclusion
Policies -> APK Reputation N/A
Policies -> Filtering -> Time to extract meets or exceeds N/A
Policies -> Filtering -> Max extract size Archive Handling -> Maximum Extract Size (MBs)
Policies -> Filtering -> Max extract depth Archive Handling -> Maximum Extraction Depth
Policies -> Filtering -> Deny Partial MIME N/A
Policies -> Filtering -> Enable Malformed Container Handling Archive Handling -> Malformed File Archives -> Malformed File Archives -> Enable malformed file archive handling
Policies -> Filtering -> Malformed Container Handling -> Log only Archive Handling -> Malformed File Archives -> Malformed File Archives -> Log Only
Policies -> Filtering Encrypted Container Hanlding Archive Handling -> Encrypted File Archives
Policies -> Filtering -> NonMIME Threshold N/A
Policies -> Notifications -> Add text to the body of replacement file for a deleted attachment Anti-Malware -> Notification Texts
Policies -> Quarantine -> Configure Quarantine Server System -> Quarantine Settings -> Enable Quarantine Server Settings
Monitors -> Logging Log and Tag -> Logging Settings
Monitors -> Alerting Log and Tag -> SMTP (Alerting)/SNMP(Alerting) Logging Settings
Monitors -> Outbreak N/A
Monitors -> Requests N/A
System -> Security Notice N/A
System -> LiveUpdate Content System -> LiveUpdate Settings
System -> Rapid Release Content N/A
System -> Console Settings N/A