CA View - APAR SO14846 Mentions Panel SACRTA3F. Is it Missing?
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CA View - APAR SO14846 Mentions Panel SACRTA3F. Is it Missing?


Article ID: 209803


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The hold data for APAR SO14846 states:

SO14846  ++HOLD (SO14846) SYSTEM FMID(CBRME00)                                   
           REASON (ACTION )   DATE (20259)                                       
           COMMENT (                                                             
         |     CA-View                                         Version 14.0     |
         |SEQUENCE  | After Apply                                               |
SO14846  +----------+-----------------------------------------------------------+
         |PURPOSE   | This APAR includes many panel members for each of the     |
         |          | supported online languages. These panels are required     |
         |          | by the enhancement to function. Load the appropriate      |
         |          | language panels to your View databases with the           |
         |          | SARDBASE OLOAD utility function.                          |
         |          |                                                           |
         |          | The online panels included are:                           |
         |          |                                                           |
         |          | English:                                                  |
         |          | SARPTA3C, SARPTA3D, SARPTA3E, SACRTA3F, SARPT1, SARPT1B1, |
         |          | SARPT1B2, SARPT2C3, SARPT2C4, SARPT2C5, SARPT2C6, SARPT2C7|
         |          | SARP1, SARP1A, SARP1AA, SARP1B, SARP1BA SARP1C, SARP1D,   |
         |          | SARP1J, SAR56                                             |


Panel SACRTA3F was not installed to the target library.  Is this a typo in the HOLDDATA or is the APAR truly missing a panel?


Release : 14.0

Component : CA View


In PTF SO14846, in the ++HOLD, the mention of panel SACRTA3F is a typo. 

The Canadian-French panel is SACPTA3F. 
The English panel is SARPTA3F.                                                              
As the client had panels SACPTA3F and/or SARPTA3F, there was nothing missing.