Database Management Post Install bind customization task fails with SETUPxx invalid value or missing APPLCOMPAT
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Database Management Post Install bind customization task fails with SETUPxx invalid value or missing APPLCOMPAT


Article ID: 209747


Updated On: 03-12-2025


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When executing Database Management Solutions for Db2 for z/OS Bind Product Plans and Packages Customization task, ssid0002,
it can fail with one of the following errors:

1. The GENRBIND step can fail with RC 12 and the following error messages:

**** ERROR                                                
**** INSRSET rc= 12 SSID= ssid                            
**** Parmlib member SETUPxx contains an invalid value for 
**** SSIDVER and/or SSIDMODE. You must correct the invalid
**** value then resubmit this job.                        

2. The FULLBIND step can fail with RC 08 and the following messages are issued for every BIND PACKAGE statement:

 BIND PACKAGE(DGL1xxx_PUT_PFR) MEMBER(FRA@CHP)           APPLCOMPAT  (  )       VALIDATE     ( RUN     )       ISOLATION    ( CS
   )       FLAG         ( I       )       RELEASE      ( COMMIT  )       DYNAMICRULES ( BIND    )       DBPROTOCOL   ( DRDA    )
   ENCODING     ( EBCDIC  )       EXPLAIN      ( NO      ) ;                   
IKJ56701I MISSING APPLCOMPAT LEVEL:++                                          
IKJ56701I MISSING UP TO 9 CHARACTERS                       

Note the APPLCOMPAT parameter is blank.


There are incorrect Db2 version and mode definitions in the SETUPxx CDBAPARM member for this subsystem.


Review the SETUPxx hlq.CDBAPARM member that is being used in this environment. Check whether the subsystem definition
includes SSIDVER and SSIDMODE parameters similar to the following: 

SSIDVER  (V12)      

If Function Level and Catalog Level are specified, do not specify values for Version and Mode.
These values are mutually exclusive and should not be used together.

For Db2 12 and higher use Function Level (SSIDVERF) and Catalog Level (SSIDVERC): 


For Db2 11 use Version (SSIDVER) and Mode (SSIDMODE):

SSIDVER  (V11)      

If the subsystem is a member of a Data Sharing Group, then ensure that the definitions for the
Data Sharing Group as well as for each of the Data Sharing members are also correct.

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