Is there a report that will show which software is installed on a computer?
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Is there a report that will show which software is installed on a computer?


Article ID: 209731


Updated On:


Client Management Suite IT Management Suite


Is there a report that will show which software is installed on a computer?


Release: 8.5, 8.6

Component: Symantec Management Console, Reports


There are two reports that will show which software is installed on a computer.

They are found in the Symantec Management Console in the following locations:

Reports>All Reports>Discovery and Inventory>Inventory>Cross Platform>Software/Applications>Software>Installed Software

Reports>All Reports>Discovery and Inventory>Inventory>Cross Platform>Software/Applications>Software>Installed Software by Computer

* If the software or version you are looking for is not listed, make sure to choose 'All Software' from the 'Type' parameter.