Automic AS400 agent doesn't start
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Automic AS400 agent doesn't start


Article ID: 209652


Updated On:


CA Automic Workload Automation - Automation Engine


AS400 agent shows the following dump message:

Maximum number of records reached for file QPSRVDMP. (C ,R NOMAX 1-999999)

The Message Wait Status of the Agent Job was due to the fact that the size limit set by the MAXRCDS Parameter of  QPSRVDMP was exceeded. 

Investigation: check if the Agent's log file  contains the following message:

U02000012 Connection to Server '<ip_address>'(<ip_address):<port>' denied.
        3425 - A remote host refused an attempted connect operation
U02000010 Connection to Server '<ip_address>:<port>' terminated.
U02000072 Connection to system 'AE' initiated
Unexpected exception occured, Agent forced a trace
Log closed
***** END OF DATA *****


Component : AUTOMATION ENGINE, Agent for AS400 / OS400


There is no connectivity between the AS400 server and the AE.


After re-establishing the connectivity the Agent starts again.