1. XCOM r11.6 SP00 32-bit and 64 bit Unix/Linux only supports SSLv3 and TLSv1. The 11.6 SP00 User Guide covers it and is accessible from the legacy bookshelves section:
Legacy Bookshelves and PDFs > Bookshelves and PDFs > Bookshelves and PDFs > CA XCOM Data Transport for UNIX and Linux
That will refer to this page: XCOM Data Transport for UNIX and Linux Release 11.6 Second Edition
After downloading the User Guide (x000111e.pdf) see "Chapter 5: Generating SSL Certificates"
Supported Cryptographic Protocols
CA XCOM Data Transport supports the following protocols:
- V3
In configssl.cnf, you can set the protocol used in SSL communications in one of the following ways:
For V3
# Mandatory, note that CA-XCOM uses the v3 protocol
# Mandatory, note that CA-XCOM uses the v3 protocol
Note: The V3 method is applicable only if FIPS_MODE=OFF.
There is no SP01 for 11.6 32-bit Unix/Linux, but support for TLSv1.1 and TLSV1.2 was added for r11.6 SP01 64-bit Unix/Linux per the "Release Notes > Enhanced Features" section for "Service Pack 11.6.01" here:
CA XCOM Data Transport for UNIX/Linux 11.6.1 > Release Notes > Enhanced Features > Service Pack 11.6.01
The $XCOM_HOME/config/configssl.cnf file in SP01 and later will have additional comments for "all" protocols up to TLS v1.2.
2. The SSL/TLS protocol is not visible when setting XTRACE=10. One way to see the SSL protocol used by a Linux XCOM server is by running an openssl command to its XCOM secure port using this type of syntax:
openssl s_client -connect hostname:8045 -cert /opt/CA/XCOM/ssl/certs/clientcert.pem -key /opt/CA/XCOM/ssl/private/clientkey.pem -showcerts -status -msg < /dev/null > test1.out 2>&1
For the transfer to the iSeries (AS/400) XCOM r11.0 SP02, the SSL handshake should drop down to the SSLv3 or TLSv1 supported by the XCOM r11.6 SP00 32-bit, depending on what is configured in the Linux $XCOM_HOME/config/configssl.cnf file. That assumes that in the iSeries (AS/400) XCOM r11.0 SP02 configssl.cnf file, the [SSL_METHOD] parameter RECEIVE_SIDE is set to the default value of ALL. This is per the AS/400 i5/OS service pack 11.0.02 release Notes page section for "TLS v1.1 and TLS v1.2 Support" here: CA XCOM Data Transport for AS/400 11.0 > Release Notes
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