CA signed certificate shows an error when uploading it via the EDR GUI.
Article ID: 209629
Updated On:
Endpoint Detection and Response
When uploading the certificate in the SEDR web GUI there is an error.
The certificate was created with a DOS end of line (EOL) instead of a Unix style EOL. This causes an error in the system because it is unable to read the DOS EOL correctly.
This may be resolved in future release of EDR.
To change the EOL to a unix style EOL instead of the DOS EOL:
Run the following command with the certificate so the EOL is changed to the correct style:
% dos2unix ${file}
% od -x | head -3
NOTE: This requires the use of the dos2unix program on a Linux system.
It is also possible to use a third party text editor like Notepad++ to save the file with Unix-style line endings using a Windows based system.
To do so:
Go to the Edit menu, select EOL Conversion, Select Unix (LF).
Save the file.
Additional Information
To determine if an existing certificate has hidden characters you can find out from Notepad ++ By opening the .crt and selecting 1. View > 2. Show Symbol> 3. Show End of Line Line Feed (LF) is normal Unix formatting and Carriage Return Line Feed is shows that Windows saved and edited the file format