R12 Installation completed with Warning
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R12 Installation completed with Warning


Article ID: 209559


Updated On:


CA Workload Automation AE - Scheduler (AutoSys)


User completed r12 install but nay see the following warning error. 

Warning Error: 

Installation Complete

The installation of AutoSys Workload Automation is finished, but some warnings
occurred during the install.  Please see the installation log for details.

Encountered fatal error:
    [CAUAJM_E_101100] The SSA installation has failed. For more information,
refer to the SSAInstall.log file under the TEMP directory.

Encountered below warnings during installation:
[CAUAJM_W_101103] The SSA executable /bin/csamconfigedit not found.
You can access the following services using the corresponding URL.
Note: It may take several minutes for the server to be up and running.

REST web service:

Post-installation logs will be written to:



Release : r12.0

Component : CA WCC


The problem is due to corruption which can occur if setup is not properly extracted from ISO.


Verified the checksum of the ISO file

After copying the ISO to the Linux server and mounting it locally the installation completed without errors