How to change Detector Collection Interval times.?
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How to change Detector Collection Interval times.?


Article ID: 209525


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Detector for DB2 for z/OS


We want to change the Detector Collection switch times.

The Collection switch is always happening at the top of the hour.

Our interval time is 1 hour.

So the switch is happening @ the top of the hour.

We want to change it to happen 1 hour from whenever we start .

If we start collection at  4:37 PM then collection switch should happen 5:37 PM and then 6:37 PM 7:37 PM and so on.




Release : 20.0

Component : CA Detector for DB2 for z/OS


If you're starting the collection online turn this parm on

Round Interval     ==> N

If you're using the MVS Modify command  use the following parm

       The round interval keyword. Specify one of the following operands to indicate whether to end the collection interval on a time
       boundary that is an integral multiple of the interval time. This option applies only when specifying an Interval Time; if the
       Sysplex Interval is used (PLEXINTV keyword), the interval is always rounded.
       - Y - Round the end of the interval to an integral boundary.
       - N - Do not round the interval.