Generally needed to migrate from Linux to Windows:
- The full Oracle client must be present on Windows (this will require a DBA's involvement)
- The tnsnames.ora must be updated on Windows to point to the Oracle database (this will require a DBA's involvement)
- The AutomationEngine processes must be installed on Windows, please see the documentation here:
- Update ucsrv.ini on new AE /bin on windows so that it has the correct settings (these will be custom per environment, but a lot will be the same as the ucsrv.ini file from the linux side
- The service manager should be installed on the server as well in order to start the WPs and CPs automatically as a part of Windows Services. Please see the documentation here:
- As with any Automic system, the database and AutomationEngine components must have a very fast connection to each other
As always, these changes should be made in a non-production environment first and thoroughly tested.