The Spectrum WebTomcat catalina.out log is logging multiple INFO messages each time an alarm is selected in WebApp. This is causing the log to grow to 100+GB
Every time a user selects an alarm the following messages is logged to catalina.out. If multiple alarms are selected, then entries for each alarm is logged. These log entries seem to be related to custom menu options that are available to the users.
2021-01-20 18:23:56,661 INFO [Webswing Process Handler] ( [oneclickwebapp_anonym_855294ce58ad_1611185008651] Command to execute in seperate Launch /ms/dist/nms/
PROJ/spectrum104/prod/scripts/utils/ -user spectrump -name xxx01web01-003338 -tag CLEAR
2021-01-20 18:23:56,661 INFO [Webswing Process Handler] ( [oneclickwebapp_anonym_855294ce58ad_1611185008651] Command to execute in seperate Launch /ms/dist/nms/
PROJ/spectrum104/prod/scripts/utils/ -gid 6008aa84-e82c-11ea-06f6-0080100ec131 -user spectrum
2021-01-20 18:23:56,661 INFO [Webswing Process Handler] ( [oneclickwebapp_anonym_855294ce58ad_1611185008651] Command to execute in seperate Launch /ms/dist/auro
ra/bin/krun -- /ms/dist/nms/PROJ/spectrum104/prod/scripts/utils/ 0xb1780a2
Release : 20.2 \
Component : Spectrum OneClick
The XML file that controls these log prints is:
In the appenders and loggers section we need to comment out the console from logging.
NOTE: On Spectrum 10.4.0 this is a little different, the below steps will need to be taken:
Edit the <SPECROOT>/webtomcat/webapps/spectrum/WEB-INF/classes/ file and comment out the following lines:
#log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern=%d %-5p [%t] (%F:%L) %m%n
Save the file, restart the webtomcat service.
I copy of the log4j2.xml file with the comments is attached to this article.