Clarity services not starting up with MSSQL named instance
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Clarity services not starting up with MSSQL named instance


Article ID: 209419


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Clarity PPM On Premise


Problem with clarity service connecting to MSSQL DB named instance.

App logs:

Clarity 15.x failed to initialize.

com.niku.union.config.ConfigurationException: The application failed to start because of a database configuration problem.  Please review the application log for specific error information.


Configuring MSSQL named instance with static port and not dynamic. Open SQL Server Configuration Manager to enable and set static ports for the SQL named instance 

  1. Open SQL Server Configuration Manager
  2. Expand SQL Server Network Configuration.
  3. Click on Protocols for <Instance Name> ...
  4. If TCP/IP is disabled, right-click on TCP/IP and click on Enable and set a TCP port that is open and not in use. 
  5. Clear the TCP dynamic ports.