In the PSA/ RIDPOOL screen there is a field "DB2 Maintenance Issues" and then under Row Failures a field "Number Columns Bypassed". What is this number indicating, and its impact?
Partial screen shot:
Rid Pool Use Processing Failures
RDS Rid Limit Reached 0
DM Rid Limit Reached 0
DB2 Maintenance Issues 10491
Row Failures
Current Committed Inserts 0 Current Comitted Deletes 0
Current Committed Updates 0 Number Columns Bypassed 10491
Release : 20.0
Component : CA Subsystem Analyzer for Db2 for z/OS (PSA), Sysview for Db2 for Z/OS (IDB2)
The 'Help Panel' for this field states the following:
Description: The number of columns for which a DB2 internal
procedure related to SELECT(SPROC) is bypassed because it was
The SELECT Procedure was invalidated because DB2 maintenance
has been applied and the current SELECT procedure is down-
This field means there are Db2 applications that need to have their plans/packages rebound. IFCID 224 has pertinent information concerning the plans/packages that need to be rebound. Please review the following IDB2 (Sysview for Db2) for more information on IFCID 224 along with the pertinent IDB2 batch reports.