SYSVIEW: meaning of IIP% in DELAYS
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SYSVIEW: meaning of IIP% in DELAYS


Article ID: 209407


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SYSVIEW Performance Management


Finding that the IIP% in DELAYS in CAPLIST reached 100%. But looking into the ACTIVITY in CAPLIST, the IIP% is 19% only.

Checking RMF and it shows that the IIP usage was not high also. What is the difference between the IIP% of DELAYS and that of ACTIVITY?





The Overview section from an Event Capture Overview shows:

Help for the Overview command for that area states:
The information being displayed is collected interval data and is a redisplay of a captured screen.
If you then look at the actual DELAYS command it shows as: 

The information being displayed is realtime data.
It will be closer if the setting is changed to (i).

The DELAYS command would need to be issued around the same time as the CAPTURE was issued.