Searching for special characters in Modern UX - which characters are supported
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Searching for special characters in Modern UX - which characters are supported


Article ID: 209404


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


We connect to Modern UX and try to filter on certain special characters, and get inconsistent results when they contain "_" or "%" as compared to ":", as example . Please help determine what special characters are supported in the filter, and what behavior is correct, and which not



Release : Any



Search Behavior in Modern UX based on special characters (DE59916):

These do not match on the single character.

Character       Search Criteria Results

_ (underbar)    '%_' returns 85 records (all)

%               '%%' returns 85 records (all)

\ (backslash)   '%\' return 0 records (none)


To match these characters, a user needs to escape this character using the backslash character (\). This works because most databases, the contains search is converted to an SQL LIKE clause where the percent symbol and underbar are natural wildcard symbols. To search for a literal underbar or percent symbol, it must be escaped. The backslash character is a nature escape character, to search for a literal backslash you need two backslash characters.

\_ (backslash) '%\_' returns 1 record (matched in string name)

\% (backslash) '%\%' returns 1 record (matched in string name)

\\ (backslash) '%\\' returns 1 record (matched in string name)


These match on the single character.

- (dash)        '%-' returns 1 record (matched in string name)

~               '%~' returns 1 record (matched in string name)

` (backtick)    '%`' returns 1 record (matched in string name)

!               '%!' returns 1 record (matched in string name)

@               '%@' returns 1 record (matched in string name)

#               '%#' returns 1 record (matched in string name)

$               '%$' returns 1 record (matched in string name)

^               '%^' returns 1 record (matched in string name)

&               '%&' returns 1 record (matched in string name)

*               '%*' returns 1 record (matched in string name)

(               '%(' returns 1 record (matched in string name)

)               '%)' returns 1 record (matched in string name)

+               '%+' returns 1 record (matched in string name)

=               '%=' returns 1 record (matched in string name)

{               '%{' returns 1 record (matched in string name)

}               '%}' returns 1 record (matched in string name)

[               '%[' returns 1 record (matched in string name)

]               '%]' returns 1 record (matched in string name)

|               '%|' returns 1 record (matched in string name)

:               '%:' returns 1 record (matched in string name)

;               '%;' returns 1 record (matched in string name)

'               '%'' returns 1 record (matched in string name)

"               '%"' returns 1 record (matched in string name)

,               '%,' returns 1 record (matched in string name)

>               '%>' returns 1 record (matched in string name)

"               '%"' returns 1 record (matched in string name)

.               '%.' returns 1 record (matched in string name)

?               '%?' returns 1 record (matched in string name)

"               '%"' returns 1 record (matched in string name)

/               '%/' returns 1 record (matched in string name)

Special Use Cases:

<               '%<' returns 1 record (matched in string name, however all characters after
                the less than character are truncated.



EXAMPLE on escaping a character:

When you are using special characters in Search, and you need to use "backslash" \ before the special character to see relevant results. Consider an example where you have created a project named "GTM Transition %50 Takeover". If you simply use "%" in the Search box, you will see all the projects that you can access in Clarity. Use "\%" to Search for projects that include "%" in the Project Name.