Using the LOCALGTS feature in CA 11
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Using the LOCALGTS feature in CA 11


Article ID: 20935


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The Workload Automation and Job Management products now use a new CA 11 interface to modify restart information for jobs.  Since JES nodes can be physically remote, CA 11 communicates with the GTS component to send updates to other remotes (usually over TCP/IP). 



Release: 11.0


Environments that have more than one JESPLEX executing within the same sysplex and serviced by the same  Datacom/AD  MUF can now use the configuration file parameter LOCALGTS=NO to eliminate the overhead of requiring  GTS when the scheduler sends a request with a remote node field specified.

If LOCALGTS=NO is specified, you must be sure that all requests to CA 11 that specify a JES node is serviced by the local  Datacom/AD MUF.   Every system in each JES node given to    CA 11 must be using the same  Datacom/AD MUF that DBAS uses.

The ISPF dialog now displays the LOCALGTS value on the main menu so the user can see if the subsystem has LOCALGTS=NO.  If LOCALGTS is not specified or set to NO, the ISPF dialog panels have the Remote field set to "N/A" to remind you that specifying the remote value is not going to be valid.

In order to take advantage of GTS when using  CA 11, the following steps will need to be completed:

  1. GTS (FMID CD51110) needs to be installed.

    Note: GTS is not installed by default with CA 11, because other Broadcom products use GTS and it may have already been installed. In any event, some minor customizations will be necessary to use  GTS with  CA 11.

  2. GTS requires access to the CA 11 CAL7LOAD, and the   Datacom/AD CUSLIB and CAAXLOAD libraries. The GTS Product Code for CA 11  is BB.  Specify this product code in the GTS Parmlib Member CLIENTxx as follows:


    This parameter is the only CA 11 specific parameter needed. However, some  GTS Parmlib members can adversely affect CA 11  if coded incorrectly.

    Verify that the GTS Parmlib member GSINITxx includes XMEM(YES) (this value is the default if omitted).

    Code the GTS Parmlib members TCPIPCxx and TCPIPSxx so that all remote locations that CA 11 is to access are defined as both Client and Server.

  3. Lastly, ensure that the GTSHLQ is defined in the C11ILIBD REXX EXEC, as shown below:

    If GTSHLQ == "" then GTSHLQ = "gtshlq" /* USER */

    For more information review the following documents:

    Step 38 Customize GTS 
    NJE Support
    GTS and NJE Considerations