Can I clone or make a copy of a vm image of Spectrum and use it?
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Can I clone or make a copy of a vm image of Spectrum and use it?


Article ID: 209310


Updated On:


CA Spectrum


After making a clone image of a working SpectroSERVER machine, we are not able to get the Spectrum Control Panel - SCP - or the SpectroSERVER - SS - to start.  We see these messages in various log files:


Feb 19 16:35:19 ERROR TRACE at Exception: CORBA::NO_PERMISSION

       Explanation: Borland Enterprise Server license error[1005]: License setting is not valid; cannot find license in your installation. Please obtain a valid license and/or configure appropriately.

       Minor: 1330446336 
       Completion Status: NO
 minor code 1330446336

We have confirmed the $SPECROOT/lib/VBNS/license/license.ini file exists and has the correct permissions.  We also verified that the /opt/SPECTRUM/spectrum80.env file has the correct BESC_LIC_DIR set.


Release : DX NetOps Spectrum 21.2.x and above

Component : Spectrum Core / SpectroSERVER


Cloning or copying an image of Spectrum is not supported.


You will need to delete the image and install Spectrum on a new/clean image.