Can I delete a Rally field value if it is being used by an artifact in the Recycle Bin or a closed project? Also, how to find all artifacts with a specific field value for - Error "The value cannot be deleted because it is in use"
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Can I delete a Rally field value if it is being used by an artifact in the Recycle Bin or a closed project? Also, how to find all artifacts with a specific field value for - Error "The value cannot be deleted because it is in use"


Article ID: 209285


Updated On:


Rally SaaS Rally On-Premise


When trying to delete values from drop down fields, the following message is shown in the Admin Pages > Fields page:

The value cannot be deleted because it is in use. Items using this value may be in the Recycle Bin or in a closed Project.

What is the best practice for finding these values to change them on the work items they are being used on?


Release : SAAS



The first step is to use Work Views and set up a filter for current work items that are using that value.  This will find work items that are not deleted and are in open projects.  Depending on your project hierarchy, it may be necessary to step through all top-level projects with child projects included in the scope.

If a field value that is being deleted is in the Recycle Bin, it will need to be recovered and changed to a different value, or the item will need to be purged from the recycle bin.

If a field value that is being deleted is in a closed project, the project will need to be reopened for the artifact field value to be changed.

It is possible to tell which artifacts have that value by selecting the "see occurrences" link when editing the field.


A sortable table will pop up with the information about the artifacts.  Note that this will only sort that page and not the results for the entire workspace.


If the scope of this work is too large, then support can assist with providing a report of field usage if a subscription administrator is able to provide the appropriate data access permission.  This will require an account with workspace administrator or subscription administrator access to run the report on our side.