Custom attribute as a Swimlane or Color by field in Roadmaps
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Custom attribute as a Swimlane or Color by field in Roadmaps


Article ID: 209231


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


Is there a way to use a custom attribute as a swimlane grouping or color by field in a roadmap? If this is possible, does this work for Multi Valued Lookups (MVL) where there is a one (project) to many lookup values relationship?


Release : All Supported


The lookup attribute must exist in both the roadmap item object and the CIT/investment before it can be available to the roadmap item View Options.

For a single value Custom attribute:

It is possible to add in both Swimlanes and color in roadmaps. 

  • The one thing you just want to make sure is that you have synced those projects at least one time in the roadmap after importing them to the roadmap, so the custom attribute values sync over.
  • To set the colors for the lookup values:
    1. Go to the attribute in Classic Clarity
    2. Scroll down to the Display Mappings section of the attribute
    3. For each lookup value, select a color under the color column, enter a Description and then select the applicable lookup value from the Value drop down field.

For Multi Valued Lookups

It is not possible to include the attribute in swimlanes or color by. The only workaround would be to create a local or global picklist using single lookup value functionality and pick one value from the MVL to copy into the new picklist/attribute created for each roadmap item.

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