Client Automation 14.0 SP3
Open a case to CA Broadcom Technical Support and ask for the fix T55L107 (Fix for SD Agent 14.0 SP3)
Once applied execute this on the Agent :
ccnfcmda -cmd SetParameterValue -ps itrm/usd/agent -pn JobCheckDialogOnTop -v 1
To disable this execute :
ccnfcmda -cmd SetParameterValue -ps itrm/usd/agent -pn JobCheckDialogOnTop -v 0
Example :
With Fix T55L107 installed and with itrm/usd/agent/JobCheckDialogOnTop=1, SD JobCheck appears on top of Windows TaskBar
Without Fix T55L107 installed or with itrm/usd/agent/JobCheckDialogOnTop=0, SD JobCheck appears below of Windows TaskBar
<paramsection name="itrm">
<paramsection name="usd">
<paramsection name="agent">
<parameter name="JobCheckDialogOnTop" value="0">
<attribute name="dis_en">JobCheck Dialog On Top</attribute>
<parameterinfo name="pi_usd_JobCheckDialogOnTop">
<attribute name="type">bool</attribute>
<attribute name="desc">Display JobCheck Dialog On Top</attribute>