The Baseline transform failed to resolve the metric instance id for the monitor instance named
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The Baseline transform failed to resolve the metric instance id for the monitor instance named


Article ID: 209123


Updated On: 06-24-2024


DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM) Unified Infrastructure Management for Mainframe CA Unified Infrastructure Management SaaS (Nimsoft / UIM)


We keep getting alarms like this since I moved one of our vCenters to a new copy of the vmware probe.

The Baseline transform failed to resolve the metric instance id for the monitor instance named: "ESC:VM_CPU_AGGREGATE:"."xxxxxx" for probe: /<UIM_domain>/<UIM_Hub>/<UIM_Robot>/vmware

The Baseline transform failed to update the metric instance id from: [/<UIM_domain>/<UIM_Hub>/<UIM_Robot>/vmware:idsProbe:<vcenter>:4c4c4544-0056-4e10-8042-b8c04f343832:Memory, "ESC:HOST_MEMORY:"."usage"] to: UnknownMetricInstanceID on for probe: /<UIM_domain>/<UIM_Hub>/<UIM_Robot>/vmware.

The Baseline transform failed to update the metric instance id from: [/<UIM_domain>/<UIM_Hub>/<UIM_Robot>/vmware:idsProbe:<vcenter>:4c4c4544-0056-4e10-8042-b8c04f343832, "ESC:HOST:"."Status"] to: UnknownMetricInstanceID on for probe: /<UIM_domain>/<UIM_Hub>/<UIM_Robot>/vmware.


  • Release: DX UIM 20.4*/23.4*
  • Component: UIM - VMWARE/ SNMPCOLLECTOR etc


1. Select the controller probe on each robot listed in the alarm messages

2. Press Ctrl-P to open the probe utility

3. Click the 'cogwheel' icon and select/enable Expert mode

4. Run the niscache clean callback->   _nis_cache_clean

5. Then run the reset of the robot dev id and restart the robot-> _reset_device_id_and_restart

6. Acknowledge the baseline transform alarms

Additional Information

Note these ppm errors could be associated when using other probes such as snmpcollector, for example:

Jan 03 10:09:13:022 [pool-2-thread-1, ppm] (ctd-transform) Failed to retrieve the initial ctd graph for probe: <UIM_domain>/<UIM_Hub>/<UIM_Robot>/snmpcollector
Jan 03 10:09:13:022 [pool-2-thread-1, ppm] (ctd-transform) The Baseline transform failed to update the metric instance id from: [snmpcollector:snmpcollector:snmpcollector:D6cc017bcc56d83be4b1b3c97bf306c41.DevIdNormalizedPortInfo.s7, NormalizedPortInfo.PctErrorsIn] to: UnknownMetricInstanceID on for probe: <UIM_domain>/<UIM_Hub>/<UIM_Robot>/snmpcollector.
Jan 03 10:09:13:022 [pool-2-thread-1, ppm] (90) Configuration error, Server Error: Unable to save configuration because the initial ctd graph cannot be retrieved for probe: <UIM_domain>/<UIM_Hub>/<UIM_Robot>/snmpcollector
    at com.nimsoft.ctd.transform.background.MetricInstanceIDUpdate.getInitialProbeGraph(
    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$