Users from One of the package approver group (aprvgrp1) was able to approve the package against the Quorum size . Though the quorum says '1', any number of people from the same approver group are allowed to approve the package, which is what happened here with this package.
Though the second approval job failed with a return code of 12. The 'APPROVER GROUP DISPLAY' panel shows that the package is approved by both. (See picture attached below)
Release : 18.0
Component : CA Endevor Software Change Manager
The panel you are referring to is correct - the package is Approved. The package Status COMMITTED. Once a package is cast, approved, executed and committed you cannot do anything with this package.
This shows that Package PNNF1ST0000248 was:
Cast on 4/23/2020 by User 'user3'
Approved on 4/23/2020
Execute on 4/23/2020
Then look at the APPROVER SECTION:
This is showing that the package is approved
Group aprvgrp1 Quorum 1 - approved by 'user1' and 'user2'
Group aprvgrp2 Quorum 1 - approved by 'user4'
Group aprvgrp3 Quorum 1 - Approved by 'user5'
All of these happen on 4/23/2020 as well as the execution and committing of the package. The package should show that it is approved.
.=== Add new Install record from CA Endevor Package PNNF1WT0000248
.INSTALL record inserted successfully:
.PNNF1WT0000248 NDVRWT.PROD user3 A20200423
Approver Job submitted by 'user2' @ 14:10 || Return Code 12
Job ---> CJNNF148 Jobid ---> JOB22427
.=== Add new Install record from CA Endevor Package PNNF1WT0000248 on
.*** INSTALL record already exists
Can this potentially be a product enhancement?