ACF2 how can multiple LDAP nodes be defined in the logonid ldsnodes field?
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ACF2 how can multiple LDAP nodes be defined in the logonid ldsnodes field?


Article ID: 209008


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ACF2 - z/OS


The LDSNODES logonid field further restricts the propagation of user changes to a target LDAP node or group of LDAP nodes defined by Control GSO NODELIST records."
​The "group of LDAP nodes"  implies that more than one nodelist can be specified.?  Is this possible?


Release : 16.0

Component : CA ACF2 for z/OS


The LDSNODES logonid field contains the qualifier of a  NODELIST record.
Only ONE nodelist record qualifier can be specified, without masking, but the nodelist record can specify multiple node names.