UIM 20.3.x - maintenance view issues
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UIM 20.3.x - maintenance view issues


Article ID: 208942


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


1. Icon for devices in maintenance is showing as GREEN

In the Groups tab can can see that the devices in maintenance are showing up as GREEN (which is really wrong) and then they also show the spanner icon next to it indicating that they are in maintenance. This is misleading and different from the earlier release where devices in maintenance appeared with GREY icons and were therefore, clearly distinctive and distinguishable. 

2. Unable to figure out which maintenance schedule applies to the device / robot

The second and more important problem is that  cannot figure out which maintenance schedule is applied to the device - when you look at the device information in Groups or in Inventory cannot identify the name of the maintenance schedule applied to it, nor the start or end time or other details. The only way to figure this out is to go and open every single schedule name and check whether the device appears in the list or not.




Release : 20.3.2



Fixes were provided in OC 20.3.2 release 

  • When a computer system is in maintenance mode, the inventory tab should not show an alarm icon and it should display the maintenance icon instead
  • When a computer system is in maintenance mode, in groups tree view the system in a group should display an MM icon instead of an alarm icon

Fixes expected in next OC 20.3.3  release:

  • In the group tree view, when all group contents are in maintenance mode, the group icon is not in sync with the group contents state.
  • When clicking on a group in the tree view, on right-hand side window showing an alarm icon even though the system is in MM
  • The computer system should contain the details of the maintenance schedule to which it belongs to.