Data selection is deleted when changing the environment field on JD Edwards job
1. Create JDE job
2. Define the environment field on the job
3. Go to data selection tab and define override value
4. Switch back to JD Edwards job tab and change the environment
It is possible to use the PUT_ATT script command to define the variable.
Fix version is RA JDE 2.2.1 solution.
All RA attributes are in the OCV table. You can check then by executing below query (example for JOBS.JDE.32393850 job):
select oh_name,ocv_vname,ocv_value from oh,ocv where oh_idnr=ocv_oh_idnr and oh_name='JOBS.JDE.32393850' and oh_deleteflag=0
As a result you can see:
The attributes are case sensitive!
E.g. The Environment field can be changed by:
:PUT_ATT jdeEnvironment = 'VALUE'