IIS Application Pool crash when dotnet application is accessed.
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IIS Application Pool crash when dotnet application is accessed.


Article ID: 208749


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When Web Agent is enabled, accessing dot net application crashes the application pool.


IIS 10 (Windows Server 2016, Japanese OS)
.Net application deployed on IIS
Web Agent R12.52 SP1 CR10
[Siteminder IIS 6.0 Filter initialized in ISAPI Extension mode.]
[Siteminder IIS 10.0 module initialized in IIS 10 Native module.]


This issue occurred on specific customer's dotnet application and was not reproduced on support lab.
As per the dump analysis and Microsoft Tecdoc Information, it is suspected to be the cause from "Enabled preload"

------ Dump analysis ------
Engineering team did analyze the dump and they have narrowed it down to "GetServerVariable" call

    msvcrt.dll!memcpy()    Unknown
     filter.dll!W3_FILTER_CONTEXT::GetServerVariable(struct _HTTP_FILTER_CONTEXT *,char *,void *,unsigned long *)    Unknown
>    ISAPI6WebAgent.dll!DoPreprocHeaders(struct _HTTP_FILTER_CONTEXT *,struct _HTTP_FILTER_PREPROC_HEADERS *)    C++
     filter.dll!W3_FILTER_CONTEXT::NotifyFilters(unsigned long,void *,int *)    Unknown
     filter.dll!GlobalDoWork(unsigned long,class IHttpEventProvider *)    Unknown
     iiscore.dll!W3_CONTEXT::SetupStateMachine()    Unknown
     iiscore.dll!W3_CONTEXT_BASE::StartNotificationLoop(class NOTIFICATION_CONTEXT *,int)    Unknown
     iiscore.dll!APPLICATION_PRELOAD_PROVIDER::ExecuteRequest(class IHttpContext *,class IHttpUser *)    Unknown
     warmup.dll!DoApplicationPreload(class IGlobalApplicationPreloadProvider *)    Unknown
     iiscore.dll!W3_SERVER::GlobalNotify()    Unknown
     iiscore.dll!W3_SERVER::NotifyApplicationPreload(int)    Unknown
     iiscore.dll!IISCORE_PROTOCOL_MANAGER::PreloadApplication()    Unknown
     w3wphost.dll!W3WP_HOST::ProcessPreloadApplications(unsigned long)    Unknown
     w3wphost.dll!WP_IPM::AcceptMessage(class IPM_MESSAGE const *)    Unknown
     iisutil.dll!IPM_MESSAGE_PIPE::MessagePipeCompletion(void *,unsigned char)    Unknown
     ntdll.dll!RtlpTpWaitCallback()    Unknown
     ntdll.dll!TppExecuteWaitCallback()    Unknown
     ntdll.dll!TppWorkerThread()    Unknown
     kernel32.dll!BaseThreadInitThunk()    Unknown
     ntdll.dll!RtlUserThreadStart()    Unknown

------Microsoft Tecdoc Information------
About the problem that occurs when getting the server variable in the HTTP Module when the Application Initialization function is enabled

(This document is written by Japanese, please translate this by Google)


As work around if you see similar issue in your environment, please try to configure "Enabled preload" as "FALSE" in IIS.
and verify your issue is away or not.