Sometimes (usually due to issues caused by robot cloning) it may be necessary to reset the robot_device_id and clear the niscache on every active robot in the entire UIM domain.
The need to implement this cleanup/change may also be due to other environmental reasons.
- leftover/erroneous hub/robot systems artifacts
Please note: On February 24th 2023 the two scripts in this article have been updated to resolve some issues that customers have reported with the original scripts, especially in newer NAS versions (9.36 and higher).
The original scripts have been attached to this article as well as the new versions just in case they are needed for reference, but you should not use the scripts marked "old_version" unless there is a specific reason to do so (usually at the direction of Support.)
There are two scripts included below. The first one will clear niscache on all robots (except hub robots) in the entire domain. The second does a single hub at a time.
In large environments, the first script may time out or fail, in which case you should use the single-hub method.
The scripts will also print some error-checking information as part of the results, in case of any failure.
In the event that either script doesn't work for you, you may wish to pursue one of the alternate methods (linked at the bottom of this article). Support cannot help with this script, it is provided as-is and there may be unexpected error conditions that were not discovered in our internal testing.
We strongly recommend running this in a test/dev environment first!
The scripts will skip any robot which has the hub probe installed, in order to avoid unexpected interruptions to the script itself.
So if you need to do hubs you should do them manually (otherwise, this script would restart the hubs and cause the robots underneath it to fail to be reset).
Robots must be active and able to communicate with the controller probe for this script to hit them. In an environment with a large number of offline robots this script may time out or fail.
The script will print a list of results at the end.
How to implement/run it:
- Open NAS GUI, navigate to Auto-Operator, Scripts
- Create a new script
- Paste the contents of the below script
- Edit the first line of the script to reflect the domain or hub address as indicated
- hit the green Play button
-- SCRIPT BEGIN - full domain version
hubdomain = "domain_here" -- put your UIM Domain here
local gethubs = nimbus.request("hub","gethubs")
for row,hub in pairs(gethubs.hublist) do
if (hub.domain == hubdomain) then
print("correct domain for hub " ..hub.addr)
getrobots, rc = nimbus.request(hub.addr, "getrobots")
print("return code for getrobots is " ..rc)
for x,y in pairs(getrobots.robotlist) do
if (y.status == 0) then
print("working on robot " ..y.addr)
local probes, rc2 = nimbus.request(y.addr.."/controller", "port_list")
if (not probes["hub"]) then
print("Not a hub robot, resetting " ..y.addr)
local reset, rc3 = nimbus.request(y.addr.."/controller", "_reset_device_id_and_restart")
if (rc3 == 0) then
print("success " ..y.addr)
print("failure " ..y.addr)
print("Skipping hub robot "..y.addr )
print("robot status for " ..y.addr.. " is not OK - skipping")
print("Wrong domain for hub " .. hub.addr)
-----The following script does one hub at a time and may be more effective, especially if you receive errors like 'attempt to index local 'probes' (a nil value)' when running the first script.
-- SCRIPT BEGIN - single hub version
hub_to_clear = "/MyDomain/HubName/hubrobotname/hub"
-- use the full address including /hub at the end
getrobots, rc = nimbus.request(hub_to_clear, "getrobots")
print("return code for getrobots is " ..rc)
for x,y in pairs(getrobots.robotlist) do
if (y.status == 0) then
print("working on robot " ..y.addr)
local probes, rc2 = nimbus.request(y.addr.."/controller", "port_list")
if (not probes["hub"]) then
print("Not a hub robot, resetting " ..y.addr)
local reset, rc3 = nimbus.request(y.addr.."/controller", "_reset_device_id_and_restart")
if (rc3 == 0) then
print("success " ..y.addr)
print("failure " ..y.addr)
print("Skipping hub robot "..y.addr )
print("robot status for " ..y.addr.. " is not OK - skipping")
NOTE: This script intentionally does not clear niscache on the hubs themselves; those should be done manually if necessary. Most of the time it is not needed since hubs are not generally hosting monitoring probes.
Alternate method:
How do I clean niscache on all active robots from the command line?