ZOWE Endevor Plugin bad request with ENV name starting with pound sign
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ZOWE Endevor Plugin bad request with ENV name starting with pound sign


Article ID: 208616


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Endevor Endevor - ECLIPSE Plugin


Use ZOWE Endevor plugin to list elements, the environment name has the leading pound sign '#'

$ zowe endevor list elements "SAMPLE" -i IBM4 --env "#T1A" --sn 2 --sys NUEF --sub NUEF --typ BPGCOB


Command Error:

Rest API failure with HTTP(S) status 400

Error Details:

HTTP(S) error status "400" received.

Review request details (resource, base path, credentials, payload) and ensure correctness.


Host:      <hostname>
Port:      <port>
Base Path: EndevorService/rest
Resource:  IBM4/env/#T1A/stgnum/2/sys/NUEF/subsys/NUEF/type/BPGCOB/ele/SAMPLE?data=all
Request:   GET
Headers:   [{"Accept":"application/json"}]
Payload:   undefined 



Release : 18.1

Component : CA Endevor Software Change Manager

ZOWE 1.9


This issue is related to HTTP request string encoding. It removes everything after pound sign, and cause the Invalid request - HTTP(s) 400 error. 

EWS0745E message found in JSON response - which means that there is a problem with request validation. that's old WS message. request validation logic was changed in July 2019 and before this update only A-Z,0-9 characters are allowed for environment name. 


  1. Update Endevor Web Services to the latest maintenance level.  
  2. Intsall Endevor Zowe Plugin 5.7.4 or newer version (zowe plugins install broadcom-endevor-for-zowe-cli-5.7.4.tgz)