How to update OpenJavaJDK for the Siteminder Policy Server on Windows
Release : 12.8.03 and higher
In some cases you may need to upgrade the version of AdoptOpenJDK on the Siteminder Policy Server. This process will allow you to point the policy server at a new installation of AdoptOpenJDK.
I) Download AdoptOpenJDK 1.8.x
1) Browse to the following location:
2) Select the "OpenJDK8 (LTS) radio button under "Version"
3) Select the "HotSpot radio button under "Choose a JVM"
4) 'click' the "Latest Release" link.
5) Copy the .msi to the Windows host where the Siteminder component will be installed.
II) Install AdoptOpenJDK
1) Run the .msi
2) Following the prompts
3) Record the installation path
III) Modify the Siteminder Policy Server Environment variables to point to the new installation of AdoptOpenJDK
1) Open a command prompt
2) Run SET
3) Copy the following environment variables (and their entire values):
4) Paste the environment variables into a text file
5) Modify the environment variables to point to the path of the newly installed AdoptOpenJDK path
6) Add the SET command to each environment variable
SET NETE_JAVA_PATH=C:\Program Files\AdoptOpenJDK\jdk-\jre\bin;C:\Program Files\AdoptOpenJDK\jdk-\jre\bin\server
SET NETE_JRE_ROOT=C:\Program Files\AdoptOpenJDK\jdk-\jre
7) Save the file as an executable script "AdoptOpenJDK.cmd"
IV) Update the environment variables on the Siteminder Policy Servers
1) Copy the environment variable script ("AdoptOpenJDK.cmd") to each Siteminder Policy Server and Access Gateway Server where AdoptOPenJDK has been installed.
2) Open a command prompt
3) Browse to the location of the "AdoptOpenJDK.cmd" script
4) Run the environment variable script
V) Stop and restart the Policy Server to have the respective component start using the new path.