Whether OPSMVS can be upgraded from 12.3 to V14? Can OPS/MVS successfully be upgraded from unsupported releases to a current release?
Upgrading directly from an older release, here R12.3, to a current release, in this instance 14.0, of OPS/MVS may be done successfully. A couple of thoughts that will help.
1) Review the Release Guides for the various releases involved, and in particular the Migration Information sections of these guides.
13.0 - https://techdocs.broadcom.com/us/en/ca-mainframe-software/automation/ca-ops-mvs-event-management-and-automation/13-0/ops-mvs-13-0-end-of-service.html -> Please download PDF file from this link.
The above documents will ensure that you consider all changes made in the various releases. NOTE: The R14.0 Migration Information link contains the necessary information for migrating from both 13.0 and 13.5. For future releases of OPS/MVS it is imperative to review the Migration Information for each of the releases that were subsequent to the one being upgraded from.
2) The second consideration will be the z/OS level that you are at. You can verify that you are running a compatible z/OS level here: https://ftpdocs.broadcom.com/WebInterface/phpdocs/0/MSPSaccount/COMPAT/zos_compat.HTML