Tracing RELEASE PROGRAM statements in Ideal programs
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Tracing RELEASE PROGRAM statements in Ideal programs


Article ID: 208343


Updated On: 08-26-2024




Is it possible to trace which Ideal programs use RELEASE PROGRAM statements?


Release : 15.1

Component : IDEAL


There are several ways to check if and where RELEASE PROGRAM statement is used.

  • Checking for I/O activity on the libraries where the load modules for Ideal application resides. High I/O activity can be a symptom of overuse of RELEASE PROGRAM statements.
  • Checking CICS statistics for load/unload of U suffixed programs (see Monitoring section of Ideal documentation).
  • Running a DIALMASK trace with 'ONLYGX'. For details, see Ideal for CA Datacom Trace Facility
  • Scanning the source code via Release Program Scan sample program, available on Datacom Sample Programs, JCL, data, procedures page of our support portal.


Additional Information

AN IMPORTANT NOTE:  RELEASE PROGRAM may cause more use of the GETMAIN path, but it may also be saving CPU in other paths. This would mean that the spike is lowered only at the expense of overall usage.

Please carefully read the RELEASE Statement and the RELEASE PROGRAM sections of Ideal documentation before modifying the programs' logic.