AdminUI (WAMUI) URL HTTPS 8443 and HTTP 8080 management and config
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AdminUI (WAMUI) URL HTTPS 8443 and HTTP 8080 management and config


Article ID: 208335


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CA Single Sign On Agents (SiteMinder) SITEMINDER


When running an AdminUI, how can it be accessed in HTTPS instead of HTTP on one server?

How to access the AdminUI in HTTPS on port 8080 instead of 8443?




AdminUI 12.8SP3 on RedHat 7



At first glance, the AdminUI is only accessible on HTTP depending on the URL that has been used during the registration process.

According to documentation, when registering to access the HTTP and port 8080, then the AdminUI will be accessible in HTTP on port 8080 only.

If the HTTPS on port 8443 has been given at registration, then the AdminUI is accessible on port 8443 only (1).

If AdminUI has been first registered it in HTTP only on port 8080, the HTTPS on port 8443 can still be activated as per documentation (2).

Further issues might occur by accessing the AdminUI page in HTTPS using Internet Explorer IE. According to the Support Matrix, IE (Internet Explorer) is not supported nor advised (3).

Further, the error page: 

 This page can't be displayed

will also occur because if the AdminUI isn't configured to work with HTTPS on port 8443. To solve it, follow the documentation and enable the SSL in the AdminUI. 


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