Which is the correct keystore folder for importing TLS certificates for Network Prevent for Email?
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Which is the correct keystore folder for importing TLS certificates for Network Prevent for Email?


Article ID: 208318


Updated On:


Data Loss Prevention Enterprise Suite Data Loss Prevention Enforce Data Loss Prevention Network Prevent for Email


A prior version of the documentation for importing TLS certificates into one's Network Prevent for Email server keystore suggested the following location for this keystore:


When you install Network Prevent for Email Server, the installer creates an empty keystore file in installdir

<drive>:\Program Files\Symantec\DataLossPrevention\DetectionServer\<DLP_version>\Protect\keystore\prevent.ks



This was actually incorrect, and if the keystore file for SMTP Prevent is updated in this location, TLS handshakes will fail to find the certificate assigned.

As a result, connections to the downstream MTA will be dropped as soon as they are established, usually with a simple "Forward connection closed" in the RequestProcessor log.



The correct location of the SMTP Prevent keystore is defined in the "Protect.properties" file on the Detection Server which is located at C:\Program Files\Symantec\DataLossPrevention\EnforceServer\<version>\Protect\config


#SMTP Prevent keystore
com.vontu.inline_smtp.keystore = /var/Symantec/DataLossPrevention/DetectionServer/<version>/keystore/prevent.ks



#SMTP Prevent keystore
com.vontu.inline_smtp.keystore = C:/ProgramData/Symantec/DataLossPrevention/DetectionServer/<version>/keystore/prevent.ks

Additional Information

Current versions of the above documentation already reflect this change - this article is for informational purposes only and will be removed at a future date.