This error can occur either on the AE when starting Java processes (JWP/JCP) or on the SQL Agent or DB Service
On the AE the following error is displayed in the JWP/JCP log:
20210128/165947.745 - 1 U00011849 UC4_sys_info: 'Buildnr: 1573815554148 Changelist: 1573734558'
20210128/165947.900 - 24 U00003545 UCUDB: Opening database ...
20210128/165948.026 - 27 U00045025 OSGI ['com.automic.kernel']: '[com.automic.kernel.impl.ServerProcess(5)] The activate method has thrown an exception'
20210128/165948.026 - 27 Unhandled Exception in thread ConfigurationListener Event Queue
20210128/165948.028 - 27 U00045014 Exception 'java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: "no ocijdbc12 in java.library.path: [/opt/oracle/base/product/client_193000/lib, /usr/lib, /lib, /usr/java/packages/lib, /usr/lib64, /lib64, /lib, /usr/lib]"' at 'java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary():2670'.
20210128/165948.029 - 27 U00003620 Routine 'com.automic.kernel.impl.DefaultExceptionHandler' forces trace because of error.
When testing an Oracle CONN object via the DB Service or clicking the Preview button in SQL VARA object, a similar error is displayed in AWI:
Failed to create a connection to the database ('com.uc4.ex.sql.ConnectionException:java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no ocijdbc12 in java.library.path').
Release : 12.3
The ojdbc8.jar is from an older Oracle Client version.
Use the following command to show the version of the driver:
>java -jar ojdbc8.jar
This will show version something like:
Oracle JDBC 4.2 compiled with javac 1.8.0_91 on Tue_Dec_13_06:08:31_PST_2016
Update the ojdbc8.jar either in the <Automation Engine>/bin/lib/ folder or in the <SQL Agent>/jdbc/ or <DB Service>/jdbc/ folder with the one from the Oracle client folder structure.
After the update the command
>java -jar ojdbc8.jar
should return:
Oracle JDBC 4.2 compiled with javac 1.8.0_251 on Tue_Aug_11_01:11:38_PDT_2020
Oracle JDBC 4.2 compiled with javac 1.8.0_351 on Mon_Nov_28_06:19:40_PST_2022