Pertaining to the CTCLASS screen:
SYSVIEW VTAM 26AS CTCLASS, CICS Transaction Classes 02/05/21 14:54:22
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lvl 2 Row 1-1/1 Col 1-79/117
Jobname CICSPC4 ASID 0119 Jobid JOB32685 CICS 5.4 Mode REGION
Jobname Class Number Max Active Act% High AtMax Count QueCurr QueMax QueTot
CICSPC4 DFHTCL05 9 16 0% 16 1 1 15 43
Does the QueTot data value reset at a different time than the rest of these CTCLASS data values? I'm trying to comprehend the reason for the QueTot value in this example.
SYSVIEW does not set these values but reports on them from real-time statistics that are maintained by the CICS DFHXM domain (Txn Manager Domain). SYSVIEW does not perform its own interval collection for this data. All of the statistics get reset at the same time, including the QueTot, which happens when CICS cuts stats records based on SIT parms STATRCD= and STATINT=, or a CICS PERFORM STATISTICS, RESETNOW, etc.
A google search on CICS Statistics Reset shows:
Please refer to IBM Documentation for more information on the fields.