In Documentation, under the "Section of Modified and Unsupported Options':
Modified and Unsupported Options
Release 6.4's PAGESIZE parameter compares to release 11.6's PAGESIZE, DISPPAGE.
Where is more documentation on these parameters?
Easytrieve Report Generator, release 11.6
Easytrieve Report Generator release 6.4 has a parameter of PAGESIZE, which now has two parameters under release 11.6: PAGESIZE and DISPPAGE.
Per this link, under 'Report Options':
Documentation on PAGESIZ and DISPPAGE parms
PAGESIZ specifies the maximum length of a logical report page. This is the value that is compared by LINE statements for end of page. This value also defines the page size of the compiler listing lines.
This is a compile-time option. You can override this value with the PAGESIZE parameter of the REPORT or FILE statement.
DISPPAGE is defined as....
DISPPAGE specifies the maximum print length of a report page for the DISPLAY statement. This is the value that is compared by DISPLAY statements for end of page.
This is a compile-time option. You can override this value through the PAGESIZE (display-page-size) parameter of the REPORT or FILE statement.