Why do you receive message: CA-7.020 - r12.1 DISK QUEUE TABLE I/O ERROR, after entering a CA 7 Edition command?
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Why do you receive message: CA-7.020 - r12.1 DISK QUEUE TABLE I/O ERROR, after entering a CA 7 Edition command?


Article ID: 20812


Updated On:


CA 7 Workload Automation


Explain the meaning of CA-7.020 Error Message after issuing a CA 7 Edition command and how to circumvent the problem.



WA CA 7 Edition


CA 7 Edition has a limit of 256 pages of data that can be returned to an online terminal from any online inquiry or update command, including an edit of JCL in the Request Queue.

To avoid this, the command should be entered in batch, SASSBSTR, or CCI program or you can limit the amount of output returned by further qualifying your inquiry command (specific jobnames, SYSTEM identifiers, etc.).