'EZTC0114E: field location expected' error due to field definition
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'EZTC0114E: field location expected' error due to field definition


Article ID: 208010


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Easytrieve Report Generator


Why is this line of code causing EZTC0114E and other compiler error messages?

        221    CA-EFF=YR    CA-EFF-MNTH +2 2 N
EZTC0114E >>>          $ field location expected
EZTC0125E >>>           $ fieldname not defined
EZTC0278E >>>                 $ not a valid DEFINE parameter
EZTC0278E >>>                             $ not a valid DEFINE parameter
EZTC0278E >>>                                $ not a valid DEFINE parameter
EZTC0278E >>>                                  $ not a valid DEFINE parameter

EZTC0278E >>>                                  $ not a valid DEFINE parameter



CA Easytrieve Report Generator, release 11.1 for Windows and release 11.6 for z/OS



Please change line 221 from 

221    CA-EFF=YR    CA-EFF-MNTH +2 2 N


221    CA-EFF-YR    CA-EFF-MNTH +2 2 N

Equal signs within a field are not allowed.


The above link to documentation has the following information on how to define a field:

Field-name is the name of the field that you are defining. The field-name:

Can be from 1 through 128 alphanumeric characters in length
Can contain any character other than a delimiter
Must begin with A through Z, 0 to 9, or a national character (#, @, $)
Cannot be all numeric characters

An equal sign is defined as a delimiter as found on this page of the documentation:
