What are the "Types of Run Script" tasks available with Task Management?
ITMS 8.x
We have 3 types of Run Script Tasks, designed as:
1) "Run Script on Server" - executes Script Task on Notification Server
2) "Run Script on Task Server" - executes Script Task per each selected client on a Task Server where the selected client machine is registered/connected
3) "Run Script" - executes Script Task on selected client machines, where Script Task is delivered to a selected client over a Task Server where it is registered/connected
Prior to ITMS 8.6 release, you cannot specify an exact Task Server to be used to deliver a task to a client or to be used to execute a task. Overall, the client side decides (depending on the load of the Task Servers, as one of the factors) which Task Server to use from the list of available for tasks processing; registers within it to be able to process any task.
However, we have the ability to assign the client manually to the exact Site Server (Task Server, etc.) depending on your needs: