How to fetch all users and user status from VIP Manager. (No credentials)
Send a REST GET request to<insertRequestId>
Requires a VIP cert (.P12 or .PEM) from the JH where the users exist.
Results are returned in JSON.
Limited numbers of users fetched with a single GET call (max. 1000).
Fetch the next batch by calling the nextURL key within the previous JSON results (example: "nextUrl": "")
The ‘limit’ can be adjusted down.
Example: VIP account has 1,133,369 users. If each GET call average=49ms, required calls=1,134, total time=558 seconds.
Response Fields:
“_id” is internal data, this should be ignored.
“userId” is the VIP user name
“userStatus” is the user’s status
“creationTime” is the Epoch time when the user was created
“lastAuthenticationTime” is time when the user last authenticated. Returns “0” if user has never authenticated