Does GSS uses SSL with client machine communication?
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Does GSS uses SSL with client machine communication?


Article ID: 207904


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Ghost Solution Suite


The customer would like to know if GSS (Ghost Solution Suite) supports SSL communication with the client machines. As well as if HTTP(S) can be used that all with imaging.


GSS 3.3


GSS does not communicate with clients via HTTP, thus it cannot use HTTPS for agent communication.

Ghost itself supports imaging via HTTP(S), but IIS needs to be configured and Ghost should be executed with a specific command line to read/write via http from/to webserver.
There is KB for Deployment solution describing how to configure IIS, but the same configuration can be used for GSS ghost:

KB 154365 "Configure IIS 7.5 to allow Ghost and RDeploy image capture and deployment via HTTP in Server 2008 R2"

Additional Information

150586 "Does the Ghost Solution Suite product support TLS 1.2?"