NOTE: These tests were done on Windows Server 2016 Standard using IIS 10 and Gen 8.6 Complete (WKS86200) with Visual Studio 2017
Simple model attached to this KB as
Server PStep P1 just sets an exit state “return from server” and is packaged in Server Manager SM1.
Gen Build Tool profile OPTIONS token OPT.BITS was set to the default value of 32. Therefore the server SM1 is generated as 32-bit for Windows/IEFAE and deployed using the 32-bit Transaction Enabler (aefad, aefuf) located in directory “C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\Gen86\Gen”
The TE is started using a .cmd file as follows:
SET AEPATH=C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\CA\Gen 8.6\Models\dotnetp.ief\c;
SET PATH=C:\progra~2\CA\Gen86\Gen;%PATH%
start /min aefuf -t 15
start /min aefad -t 15
The commcfg.txt file in "C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\CA\Gen 8.6\Models\dotnetp.ief\proxy\NET\deploy\Sm1\samples\ASP.NET\bin" is changed to have:
*=TCP localhost 2008
This commcfg.txt file line can also be enabled to create a trace file should other problems occur:
NOTE: IIS needs to have write permission on the directory where the trace file is written to. If commcfg.txt is tried to be modified after proxy deployment then IIS or the Default Web Site will need to be first stopped to release the lock on the file.
Deploy .NET proxy sample ASP.NET directory "C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\CA\Gen 8.6\Models\dotnetp.ief\proxy\NET\deploy\Sm1\samples\ASP.NET" as an IIS application.
On browse http://localhost/dotnetp receive error:
HTTP Error 500.19 - Internal Server Error
The requested page cannot be accessed because the related configuration data for the page is invalid.
Release : 8.62
Component : Gen Run Time, Proxies
1. Under Server Manager/ Server Roles for “Web Server (IIS)” enable all options for “Application Development” and restart IIS:
2. A proxy page reload will then show the "operation" link on the left but similar "HTTP Error 500.19 - Internal Server Error" error still appears on the main part of the page:
3. Under IIS Manager “Default Web Site” Configuration Editor unlock the section "system.webServer/handlers" for "ApplicationHost.Config" and restart IIS:
4. A proxy page reload then shows no more errors.
5. Click on operation P1
6. Start the DTU
Hit Execute to call the server from the Transaction Enabler
Using the DTU the PStep can be seen to execute and return: