There is an old (now static) database, whose unload was used as the basis for the current database, and the two databases share the same tapes.
We would like to delete the old database, but what will happen with the shared tapes?
Release : 14.0
Component : CA View
As the client still has an old (and static) View database, whose unload was used as the source for their current View database, there are now two databases that share the same tapes.
As using SARDBASE DELETE (the preferred method of deleting a database) would also delete the tapes in question, it was suggested that the client run a SARPAC (with TAPESEQ=nnnnn-nnnnn ranges) so that the shared tapes are transferred to new tapes, for use by the current database only.
After a View backup runs after the SARPAC completes, the old tapes will be expired, and the old database will be able to be deleted.