To visualize a binary field by Easytrieve programing.
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To visualize a binary field by Easytrieve programing.


Article ID: 207755


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Easytrieve Report Generator


How can binary data be converted and output to a output file as a visualization format?



Easytrieve Plus Report Generator, release 6.4


If you want to convert a binary data to a visualize format ;

1. A input binary field should be defined as a B type field as follows. 

   INPUT-BIN-FIELD         1         4    B

  * A binary field should be defined with a length of 4 bytes or less.

 A output field should be defined as a N type field as follows if you want to visualize the numeric number of the data.

  OUT-PUT-FIELD         1          18     N

3. Move the input binary field to the output field by using assignment statement ( = ) as follows. 


If the assignment statement is performed, the binary data on the right side is converted to the format of the output numeric filed (N type) on the left side.  (A numeric data can't be converted to formats other than numeric types.)


* If a binary field is specified directly as a output item in a Easytrieve report, it can be outputted with a visualize format in a Easytrieve report.