Custom Organizational View (OV) loads contents slowly for non-admin users (under Manage->Computers->Computer Views and Groups).
Same OV loads fast with non-admin users from (Manage -> Organizational Views & Group)
ITMS 8.5 RU3, RU4
Known issue. The issue is originated in "spAC_FilterAndGetComputerResourcesDataWithTrustee" stored procedure.
This issue has been reported to our Symantec Development team. A fix for this issue has been added to ITMS 8.6 release.
Make a backup of your current "spAC_FilterAndGetComputerResourcesDataWithTrustee" stored procedure and use the attached one (the attached "spAC_FilterAndGetComputerResourcesDataWithTrustee_New.sql" stored procedure is compatible with RU3 and RU4).